Thursday, June 24, 2010

Get excited, waitlisters!!

The wait list calls have started!! :)

Laura and Abbey (#2433) were called (and accepted!) today, and their wait list number was 2433! Congrats, girls!! :)

I also saw on the Facebook group that another waitlister (Rorey) was called (and accepted!), and their number was in the 2000s.

Also, there are two different girls looking for new roommates on the fan club:

Gissell is looking for a new roommate. She has a 6C oceanview quad cabin. The other cruisers are all girls with ages 22, 19, and 26. Two of the girls live in Florida, and Gissell lives in Pennsylvania. She is looking for somewhere to fly down to Florida with, but anybody would work. :) As far as I'm aware, she hasn't found a new roommate yet, so contact Gissell or leave a comment here, if you're interested!!

Saldawgli9979 is also looking for a new roommate. I believe she's in a double, but I'm not sure. Again, as far as I'm aware, she hasn't found a new roommate yet, so contact Saldawgli9979 or leave a comment here, if you're interested!! :)

So, if you're on the wait list, and you receive a phone call (and accept or decline!), leave a comment or tweet @bsbcruise!! :)


  1. Hi!!! I live in New Jersey and I'm 22. Gissell or Saldawgli9979 please contact me if you're still looking for a roommate! My email or tweet @noebel1103!

  2. Hey Noelia, I just emailed u with the info to your live email. If anybody else is interested please email me or look me up on the fanclub under Gissell. Thanx all!! :)

  3. I'm going! Just got a confirmation from Rose Tours! Thank you Gissell and Thank you Jannine for providing the info =]

  4. My friend put our names on the waiting list and we got a call yesterday and confirmed. I'm not sure where she was on the waiting list though. So excited!

  5. I would love to go, I need a roommate, anyone need one!?

    Contact me at or email me at

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I finally received a reply through e-mail on Friday and confirmed today after having the weekend to think it over. I have been paired up with a roommate. I am excited about this cruise and look forward to it. :D

  8. I got a call today, and my waitlist # was 2541, so I think the calls are going out based on what type of cabin you asked for. YEAH!! :-)

  9. I just got the call, I am going! I was #2554!! Ohh I am sooo happy. Made my day!! :)

  10. Thanks for the congrats, Janine! We're sooo excited! Good luck, everyone!

    Laura & Abbey

  11. Hi! My name is Norah, Im from Mexico and Im looking for someone who is looking 4 a roommate. I can be that person, please let me know! this is my last chance! my e mail is:
    twitter: @norah_patricia

    Thanks in advance :)

  12. If anyone else is interested in going but gave up because the cruise sold out so quickly. I went to the official website and they said that a limited number of cabins have become available. So you might want to go ahead a reserve your spot. 3 months, 7 days and counting. Hope to see you there!

  13. Is there anybody looking for a roommate?
    I have bought a cabin with 3 friends, but now I've got a new job and I can't travel in december. I want to sell my ticket... If there is anyone interested, my e-mail is I'm from Brazil...

  14. Just to correct...
